Termite Eradication Solutions From Diamond Pest Control

Diamond Pest Control is dedicated to environmental preservation. As a result, they implement termite eradication solutions that minimize the use of damaging chemicals. Their skilled technicians customize each termite eradication plan to ensure guaranteed results. They start by conducting a detailed examination of your property to determine the extent of the infestation, identify entry points and locate areas where termites have been active.

Termite Baiting System

Using a proven baiting method, the team at Diamond Pest Control lures and kills entire termite colonies, eliminating the threat once and for all. This method is safer for your family, pets and the environment than traditional chemical treatment methods. To learn more about their state-of-the-art eradication strategy, read our comprehensive guide to their innovative termite baiting system.

Moles, Voles & Gophers

In addition to damaging your lawn, these common pests also pose a health hazard for humans and animals. Some species are known to carry infectious diseases, while others can leave itchy bites that lead to secondary infections. These pests are active year-round, so they’re always looking for new food sources, which is why you need professional help to eradicate them from your property.

Pest control experts at HomeShield offer a range of solutions to prevent the spread of these dangerous pests, including exclusionary tools that keep them from entering your home. We can also provide a comprehensive rodent removal program to protect your home from mice, rats, pigeons, roaches, beetles, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions and fleas.

Developed for the cotton industry, Diamond insecticide is a third-generation chitin inhibitor that interferes with insect development by impacting chitin formation. It can be used alone or in a tank mix with pyrethroids and other neonicotinoid insecticides for improved control of difficult-to-manage insect pests. When applied early in the season at nine to 12 ounces per acre, it prevented juvenile tarnished plant bug and stink bug nymphs and was shown to reduce feeding damage on bolls and blooms in USDA-ARS trials last year.

In field trials at Auburn University, a tank-mix application of six ounces of Diamond and four ounces of Bidrin lowered bollworm populations by 98 percent and held bloom and boll damage to 5 percent at 20 days after treatment (DAT). A similar application of 10 ounces of Diamond with no other insecticides reduced tarnished plant bug nymph population by 94 percent and held boll and bloom damage to 2 percent at 20 DAT. This is a significant improvement over the 25 percent bloom and 45 percent boll damage observed in untreated check plots. A single nine-ounce application of Diamond at the start of squaring or first week of blooming was found to be equally effective in reducing cotton leaf perforators, loopers and salt marsh caterpillars.

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